Printed from https://www2.writing.com/main/tools.php/action/roll_dice
The Virtual Dice - Random Number Generator
View Past Dice Rolls:
To view past dice rolls associated to an item, enter the Item ID and click "View":
                Item ID:

Generate New Dice Rolls:
Random numbers play a part in many forms of writing. From the complexities of role play game writing to the simple choice of a year to start your story, numbers are an important writing tool. By bringing random numbers online, we can expand our "virtual dice" to an unlimited amount of possibilities.

Roll how many dice?
Die sides numbering from   to
Repeat the roll how many times?
No Repeat Numbers:
Check this to simulate drawing numbers from a hat. Once a number is drawn, it won't be drawn again. This overrides "Roll how many dice", limiting you to 1 die. If the system rolls a repeat, it will try 100 times to avoid the repeat. If it fails, this will be noted in the output.

Store the results: Roll result can later be viewed publicly.

Associate To Item ID #: (optional)
Name This Roll: (optional)

Completed dice rolls can not be deleted.
Be sure you're right before you click!

Printed from https://www2.writing.com/main/tools.php/action/roll_dice