Plugger: Ladybug  
Pluggee: Slow day (Rated: E) Plug Time: 12-08-24 @ 10:07am The Plug: My writing journey
Plugger: WakeUpAndLive  
Pluggee: Am I stupid or what? (Rated: 18+) Plug Time: 12-02-24 @ 8:21pm The Plug: The day after succeeding in NaNoWriMo. Take a peek at my daily blog, you might like it!
Plugger: HollisFrances  
Pluggee: Weekly Reading #5-Chayei Sarah/Sarah's Life (Rated: E) Plug Time: 11-25-24 @ 9:38am The Plug: Bible weekly reading blog spot. 54 readings a year. Including teaching videos from Hebrew language and writing experts. Such as, Christian Pastors, Messianic Rabbis and Chassidic Rabbis.
Some related songs as well.
Plugger: Brian KatrinaDog Compton  
Pluggee: Spun (Rated: 18+) Plug Time: 09-22-24 @ 7:41pm The Plug: My take on a new poem form I discovered but can't remember the name, because I was off and creating.
Plugger: Louis Williams  
Pluggee: Voice From The Dead Part 1 (Rated: 18+) Plug Time: 07-12-24 @ 2:01pm The Plug: The start of one of my more serious plot arcs in the "LIfe With A Werewolf" blog.
Plugger: Amethyst Agape Angel  
Pluggee: Loom (Rated: 13+) Plug Time: 04-25-24 @ 5:13pm The Plug: Just a poem I wrote. I may submit it to the Shadows and Light contest or one of the others around here. Thanks!
Plugger: Elisa, Stik of Clubs  
Pluggee: Youth News Gathering (Rated: 18+) Plug Time: 02-01-24 @ 12:45pm The Plug: Another bit from my YouTube blog, this time focusing on one of my favored topics (media analysis and consumption)
Plugger: Brian KatrinaDog Compton  
Pluggee: Ricki Lee Jones - Horses (Rated: 18+) Plug Time: 10-14-23 @ 11:05pm The Plug: Personification, a red ball, ocean, sand and not a problem to make up my own games to be entertained, with that horizon coming.
Plugger: Elisa, Stik of Clubs  
Pluggee: Texas Towns (Rated: 18+) Plug Time: 07-29-23 @ 10:55pm The Plug: The latest installment of my YouTube blog, where I tackle a different type of video compared to my usual video essay preferences
Plugger: QueenNormaJean snow finally!!!  
Pluggee: Entry #6 of the February 2023 Contest (Rated: ASR) Plug Time: 02-10-23 @ 6:47pm The Plug: An entry for Andre's Banana Bar February 2023 Challenge.
Plugger: Charity Marie - <3  
Pluggee: 30DBC Day 4: For Maggie (Rated: 18+) Plug Time: 11-05-21 @ 1:05pm The Plug: A tribute post
Plugger: dogpack saving 4premium  
Pluggee: THAT DARN MONKEY (Rated: E) Plug Time: 03-11-21 @ 12:35pm The Plug: Writing word art in my blog ignited by a monkey.
Plugger: QueenNormaJean snow finally!!!  
Pluggee: A Waiting Game (Rated: 13+) Plug Time: 03-03-21 @ 1:52am The Plug: Thank you for the Quill nomination. I am still in a wonder.
Plugger: GERVIC  
Pluggee: Perhaps a Productive Year (Rated: 13+) Plug Time: 02-24-21 @ 10:59am The Plug: My first blog entry...
Plugger: QueenNormaJean snow finally!!!  
Pluggee: Amazing Luck (Rated: 13+) Plug Time: 12-31-20 @ 7:23pm The Plug: My last entry in the 30-Day Blogging Challenge for the December unofficial contest was just posted. Come visit me.
Plugger: dogpack saving 4premium  
Pluggee: THANKSGIVING NIGHT (Rated: E) Plug Time: 11-27-20 @ 12:12pm The Plug: Thanksgiving events and a silly story attached. Read and respond to MY DAY for gift points.
Plugger: Ara_Vye  
Pluggee: Video Game Review: Hollow Knight (Rated: E) Plug Time: 05-22-20 @ 1:56pm The Plug: I write things and sometimes review video games!
Plugger: Toffeeman1957  
Pluggee: Redundant (Rated: E) Plug Time: 05-12-20 @ 5:11pm The Plug: Jump in , the water is warm.
Plugger: Toffeeman1957  
Pluggee: Everton! (Rated: E) Plug Time: 05-11-20 @ 6:08pm The Plug: Entry for the 30 Day Blog Challenge.
Join us, it's fun.
Plugger: Toffeeman1957  
Pluggee: Reliability (Rated: E) Plug Time: 05-08-20 @ 4:41pm The Plug: The prompt for this blog seemed a bit daunting. And then it was fun!
Plugger: MirandaCookies IS IN COLLEGE  
Pluggee: My feelings on COVID-19 (Rated: 13+) Plug Time: 05-05-20 @ 4:22am The Plug: A ramble fest about how I feel on COVID
Plugger: MirandaCookies IS IN COLLEGE  
Pluggee: Introducing Me & My Best Friend? (Rated: 13+) Plug Time: 05-05-20 @ 4:22am The Plug: My first entry
Plugger: MirandaCookies IS IN COLLEGE  
Pluggee: Best Friend and Moonlight (Rated: 13+) Plug Time: 05-05-20 @ 4:21am The Plug: A prompt going into how I unwind at night and my awesome best friend
Plugger: Lazy Writer est 4/24/2008  
Pluggee: My PLans for April, 3/31/2020 (Rated: E) Plug Time: 03-31-20 @ 9:41pm The Plug: Please read
Plugger: Seabreeze  
Pluggee: Meter and Foot (Rated: E) Plug Time: 03-04-19 @ 2:53pm The Plug: Come visit my new blog. I would like to have you stop by share a little about your self and I will guarantee to review one of your posts. Also, I am looking at Meter and Foot and would like a discussion on the topic as well; come see!
Total Displayed: 25 |