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Member Testimonials |
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!" 
Showing 576 through 600 of
1,143 total testimonials
I would like to thank the members of Writing.Com who send reviews of my work and help to make it better. I would say I use the majority of the suggestions and they have certainly improved the quality of my work. I try to review as much as I can too, and that helps me to think of ways to improve my own work. It's a win-win situation.
I joined Writing.Com last October and feel my skills have improved so much since then. In part, this can be attributed to the reviews, both positive and negative, by the many readers of my stories.
I found Writing.Com a couple months ago when a crazy friend of mine gave me his port address. Since then I have found a whole host of wonderful things like Campfire Creatives, Word Searches, plus being able to showcase my writing & get helpful feedback on things!
I absolutely love Writing.Com. I just returned after nearly a year of being away, and I just remembered everything wonderful here. I just got an upgrade thanks to RAOK. I didn't know that there were so many people who helped upgrade. I get so little support for my acting and writing at home, but here... My writing gets rated and when I posted in scroll that I had an audition, people cared!! I love this community! Testimonials always sound cheesey and repetitive. To make it worse, all the cheesey repeated words of kindness are TRUE!! WDC has been a home when I need to hide from my own life. I have made valuable friends here, that have helped me develope my writing in more ways than I thought possible. I have found people that care. WDC has become a great part of my life that I cannot escape nor forget. Thank you, Writing.Com!
I never knew writing would be so much fun! I used to write stuff but never knew i could let other people wiew my thoughts and feelings. I also love meeting new people and this has enabled me to do that! I love Writing.Com because it is an excelent way of sharing what I know with people around the world!
I've been on Writing.Com for one year. A friend introduced me to it and since then I have be obsessed with this site. It has given me such a great environment to grow in my skill and try new things without fear of ridicule. Writing is what I do and Writing.Com has given me a place to showcase my work and get honest feedback. I LOVE Writing.Com!!!!
I am not a writer really, but I have feelings and thoughts that I just need to write down. I stumbled onto this website and I was truly blown away by all the talented people here. I can't stop reading all of your work and some of you have pushed me to write more and now I am addicted to "writing". There are so many of you here that rate and review and help us newbies along...wonderful people and stories... Thank you Writing.Com!
Many people I know told me I was a great writer, but I didn't know what to do with all of my work. When I found Writing.Com, I thought it was too good to be true, but I signed up anyway. Writing.Com is the best writing website ever! I have more faith in myself than ever before, AND I get to talk to other writers just like me! I get suggestions for my work and improvement, and I have found many great pieces of literature here. I love you Writing.Com!
What this site does most for writers is prevent them from going stir crazy, and lets them set their work out into a world of people who are all trying to do the same thing. Keeping my previous works to myself, I decided to embark on a new style and ideas. This site has helped me define so many of my skills due to there being so many great writers with great opinions. You get hit from all sides are almost washed overboard by reveiws and suggestions. Insanity is key to being a writer, but let us keep that in check.
I am an avid reader and was getting bored because the books that I was reading weren't adding up to my expectations. Someone told me to start writing and I laughed because I am horrible at punctuation, sentences etc.. But - Since being on Writing.Com things have changed. I am still a little naive when it comes to my english, but I am happy to put a story out there. Writing.Com makes me feel proud to be able to write. Thanks for the site and helping me overcome my fears!
I have only been on Writing.Com since September, 2005, but the last couple of months I have really been on here and let me tell you that there are some really great poeple and charities that help with giving upgrades to the authors who really need it... or just to help anyone that needs the help! I personally love the reading and reviewing. I have learned a lot from other authors by reading their work. I have helped support a lot of the charities that have helped me out so far and just give to others when in need. I do not have a bad thing to say about here. Everyone helps each other out, always an auction, or contests going to help you get better at your own writing. If it was not for Writing.Com, I would not have the courage to put my work online to have someone read and hopefully will be able to publish in a few years. My creative writing teacher is the person who sent me here to this wonderful place. I have lots of wonderful friends here. I really do LOVE Writing.Com!
I have only been a member of Writing.Com for about 3 or 4 days and I already love it! I've visited the website everyday I get on the computer and stay on it for hours. This site is helping me improve my writing, and I'm also meeting new people every day. The people here are friendly and I haven't recived a single negative review even once! Writing.Com is like a second home to me.
I first found Writing.Com simply because I was looking for a place to store a story I was writing and perhaps show a few people. I never dreamed that what I'd find would be so much more. While the website is designed excellently, and while the tools provided are of the highest quality, the item that truly stands out for me is the people. The community here at Writing.Com is, by far, the best I have ever encountered. I have yet to have a single negative experience at all. Everyone - and I do mean everyone - is so incredibly friendly and helpful that I find myself surprised every time. I've only been here for a week, but it already feels like home.
Since joining Writing.Com, I have written more in the past four months than I ever wrote in the last ten years--and I've had more fun doing it! Thank you all for your support and all the wonderful works to read!
When I joined Writing.Com two months ago, I was overwhelmed at first. So many links taking you to so much more made me realize I could be apart of this ever-growing community. After writing and posting a few items, I was awarded a complimentary membership for my efforts. After it ends (July 18), I'm going to become an Upgraded (if not Premium) member.
Writing.Com - you have sparked the drive in me to write again, and to keep on writing! I've always enjoyed writing, but with a limited number of people I could share with, I was being held back. Now, I not only get to share my work with others, but I get feedback and support from my fellow members which I, in turn, get to reciprocate by doing reviews of their work. Way to go Writing.Com! A valuable and treasured resource for all writers of all skills and all ages.
Thank You for this wonderful site. I joined over two months ago and just lurked to see what the site had and did not write anything until I knew my way around. I had a light heart attack so I decided I better start writing NOW before anything else happens. Your sites are so supporting, the forums so orderly and everyone is so great about offering tips. I wish I would have found you sooner. And as you say WRITE ON!
I am very new to Writing.Com but in the short time I have been a member, I've written more, read more and interacted more than I ever have before. What a great site for aspiring writers. I have found a safe haven where it's okay to be judged and even better to be reviewed. I never would have thought before finding this site that it was okay to let other people read my work. But here it is not only acceptable, it's great fun! Thank you for giving us such a wonderful site!
I'm not a very good writer, but reading is a different story! There's all sorts of things on WritingDotCom! From HyperText Markup Language, to Harry Potter Fanfiction, to fantasy!
I find that my creativity level has exceeded a limit that was place on it. I owe this to Writing.Com I find that I can vent feeling and share experiences without offending anyone, or hurting the ones I love. This is the best web site and it will make you a better writer. It isn't so scary having your writing read by someone on this site. Not like when literary agents ask for a manuscript. The forum is carefree and positive and this site has saved my sanity. I just want to thank Writing.Com for that.
To get my work noticed was a big difficulty, as improving your work without suggestions and reviews is a bit difficult. Somehow one day I opened this site and it was the end of all problems especially the interactives of this site is fun. You get so much. This has now become a part of me.
I have been a member of Writing.Com since April. During the course of reading and reviewing, someone, who remains anonymous, was thoughtful enough to pay for an upgrade for me. I couldn't pay for membership, and still am struggling financially, but I know that I will have the opportunity to be an unknown angel one day soon. This site is really helping me to learn more about writing, and I'm discovering that there are a lot of talented writers out there. I also discovered, to my delight, that I am now on the google search engine! How wonderful! Bless you for having such a wonferful site!
If you are involved in a creative process, feedback is very important. When you allow yourself to show your work and discuss it, you also allow yourself to grow. As a writer, I know this and I truly appreciate the great opportunity given by Writing.Com. This is a great site, a wonderful community and a motivating tool for everyone.
I have only been a member for about a week but have found this website to be terrific. Everyone I have come in
contact has been so wonderful and helpful.
The writers on Writing.Com are more than just a bunch of people, they are a family. Everyone has their own personality and style, but they come together to help each other out. I have found more of a community spirit on Writing.Com than on any other writing website that I've participated in.
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