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Member Testimonials |
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!" 
Showing 851 through 875 of
1,143 total testimonials
I've been on Writing.Com for very little time, yet I can't get off. So long have I been waiting to be able to let others see my work that when I found Writing.Com I was jumping up and down! Even the basic acount is loaded with features. My first story, Elfarrian's Song, shows up everywhere it should. The ads aren't amazingly annoying either. All in all, Writing.Com is a savior!!
I can remember the first time I came to this site. Actually, my friend had read a crazy, funny story and recommended it to me. When I got home, I went to Writing.Com and instantly loved it (both the stories and the website). I got hooked instantly and I visit it everyday!
I feel that no website could have such warm, friendly people and delightful reads as this one here. I mean, you can do so much here! You can not only read and post stories, but you can talk to people, receve newsletters, awards, everything! Even emotional support is provided for when you get a nasty review! I know alot of people say this, but Writing.Com is a great place to grow and learn as writers.
Before I discovered Writing.Com, I found it very difficult to grow as a writer. Since joining the community, I've written dozens of stories and poems, and I've steadily improved my skills with each one. I owe this productivity and success to hundreds of members of the site who have provided me with encouragement, inspiration, guidance, and, most of all, honesty. Regardless of your age, experience, writing style, or reading preferences, I promise you will find exactly what you are looking for on Writing.Com - and so much more.

Before I became a member of Writing.Com, I really did not know the best way to express myself. I've been a member of other online writing forums, but they did not begin to provide the level of "community" that I feel here! Writers really review other writers work; there is a support system to help "Newbie" writers like myself so they don't slip through the cracks and the GP's are an added bonus to put a smile on any members face! I really like it here and think that more people should come to know about Writing.Com!
I am so addicted to Writing.Com! Everyone is so wonderful here! I am encouraged to keep on writing and I hope to encourage others as well.
A heartfelt thank you, Writing.Com, for answering the age old literary question... "WHERE'S THE BEEF???" For those with a ferocity of literary appetite ~ you've come to the right place!
I have always been a closet writer, never putting my things out there in the public eye, only showing some of my work to a very select few friends and family until September of 2003. That is when I found Writing.Com. At first, I was skeptical, a 'free' membership was offered and I thought, "Yeah, right."
But over the next few days I kept coming back, until I finally filled out the required information and no, my credit card was not one of them! I entered the site and found myself wandering through pages and pages of Fantasy, Horror, Poetry, Essays, Fiction, Spiritually Uplifting, Wickedly Humorous, Short Stories, Novels, Contests, Games, Word Searches, Forums, Journals and so many other things that I can't name them all here.
I went through dragons and unicorns one day, vampires and vamps the next, with a few angels, devils and ordinary Joes thrown in as well. Anything you could possibly want to read you will find here on Writing.Com. Now, as a writer, there are endless forums, reviews, and feedback available at your fingertips. You can sponsor an item, or get sponsored yourself, make your writing private, or place it in the public eye.
Writing.Com has taken the closet from this author and has shown me the endless possibilities which I find around every corner. What a great website, you just have to see it for yourself, Very Sincerely, cattytaurus - aka Stephanie P.
Writing.Com is one of the most amazing sites I have discovered yet! I have always wanted to be able to share my work with others and to explore their creativity as well. Now I have just the place to do that and I already feel like I belong here.
I was just looking for a place to read excerpts from books when I found Writing.Com. I read and rated a lot of stories before I actually started writing on here. Now I write here all of the time and love it. I've found friends who will review my work honestly and give constructive criticism. I love it here and plan to keep posting my work here.
Before Writing.Com, I was a nothing. A nobody. A silly little girl with a sick mind that called herself an author. No one considered me anything more because of my age. (I'm 16.) Writing.Com changed all of that. It has given me a chance to prove to people that just because I am young, doesn't mean I can't write with fire. And this site makes me want to write. To become better in all I am. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. God bless.

This site is brilliant! I've had writer's block for ages, largely due to fear and procrastination. Writing.Com is definitely proving itself to be the ultimate cure. Fantastic!
Why, since I joined for my poetry, I wrote THIS in poetry: Writing.Com: My Addiction | To read, rate, and review /
Give/getting praise and censure too /
Such an occupation you'll find me at /
Whenever time is thick and fat /
When duties remain mute, and responsibilities dim /
Or sometimes at the slightest whim -- /
I'll log on quick, impatient at delays! /
To, where my perseverence pays
Though it take ten minutes - fifteen - half an hour! /
It's worth it, just once more to feel the power /
Of creating a work -- poignant -- sublime! /
Be it prose or be it rhyme, /
Novel, novella, articles too -- /
There's just no limit to what I can do /
The whole writer's world is present - critics, friends! /
Contests galore, everything to rend /
A mind to distraction, completely addicted-- /
If it were a crime, I'd soon be convicted-- /
I'm convinced - certain - I can't do without /
This website for "riters", no, not a doubt /
For I can Read and I can wRITE, /
Sure, on my own, /
But without half the delight /
Of this incredible zone /
Of talent and fun, work yet all play /
I sure am stuck - but in what a delightful way!
Since October of 2000 I have been a member on Writing.Com. When I first begin writing as an author. I received help from many members of all case colors. They gave me the inspiration that increased my confidence as a writer. Some of the inspiration came from negative critiques as well as positive ones. Today when I think back to the members who gave their r&rs for my items. I realize how inportant it is to be honest and polite in my critiques. For we all write differently each has his/her special way of conveying their feelings. Here at Writing.Com this is why members like the site so much. They can express their feelings as they choose in their items, as long as there is no malicious intent. Thanks to the StoryMaster, and StoryMistress leadership all goes well. Not only do we have a great writing community, but we have great leaders here on Writing.Com
I love Writing.Com. It's provided me with a place to submit my work and read others. I've always loved writing, and I have improved so much thanks to this site. The members are great, and provide encouraging feedback and tips. I don't know where I'd be without Writing.Com. Thanks so much!
Simply HIGHLY addictive! Extremely effective as a refresher to one's soul. Writing.Com was the answer to my dreams. As a passionate writer, I had long been searching for an online site created JUST for writers. Hence, when I finally found THIS, I embraced it thoroughly; Writing.Com became my best friend. You will love it too! I dare you to just come and step into this wonderfully magical site created just for WRITERS.
I used to write- for many long, torturous hours into the night – aeons ago, in college. Then I stopped. Recently, an old, old friend asked – why don’t you write anymore? I had no answer so I started again.
You can write for yourself, as I do – but you need somewhere like Writing.Com, which I found by fluke, to display your work, receive feedback and to get an understanding of where you stand as a writer.
Writing.Com is much more than just a shop window for writers, it’s a vibrant community, where I have met people whose advice and friendship I have come to cherish. Thank you for bringing something new into my life – something I hadn’t even realised I was missing...
Lets see... Friendly and helpful people; a place to display my talented writing (humble I am); a place to get honest feedback from other writers; a place to gain knowledge; develop friendships; develop new talents;improve my writing skills and to just sit back and let my hair down. I ask you this. What's not to like? What are you waiting for? Come on, it's free for crimeny sakes! Register and join the best family of writers anywhere at Writing.Com.
Well, I still can't believe in February of 03, I would be sitting here. In October, I was granted a precious gift of Basic to a friend of mine and I used it to all it was worth. Writing.Com has shown that my writings are in constant need of improvement and I don't have to go begging for people to see it. They want to see it. What I want is people to tear it shreds, examining and critizing it.. and Writing.Com gives me that. :: bows:: Thank you.
I have been with Writing.Com for three months and I am loving it. I have been able to put my thoughts and stories in my port. People have been sending me reviews and it has help me making my stuff better. I love this site. I can't get enough of it.
Years and years ago I was told that I had a raw talent for writing. Being here has helped me to become a much better writer and a better person. I found Writing.Com when it was Stories.Com... I've been here over a year and a half, yet every day I find something new. The people are awesome. Everyone cares, and they truly like helping each other out. I wouldn't give up the friendships I've made for anything in the world. If reality were like Writing.Com, the world would be a MUCH, MUCH better place to live in. Thank you especially to the StoryMaster and Mistress, you two are the best!
I first came to this site (with a different account which I regrettably had to leave) about two years ago, randomly surfing the internet. Talk about serendipity! I love being able to make new and encourage new friends with the same interests here at Writing.Com... Not to mention reading, writing, reviewing, groups, and the list goes on. If you haven't already, I encourage you to join this great online community today!
I joined Writing.Com a year ago as a means to publish the few pieces I've written, but have found instead a place that helps nurture the creative spirit within anyone that wishes it. There are so many helpful, encouraging people on the site that I find myself spending virtually all my internet time browsing authors of all skill levels, writing about anything and everything you can imagine - and probably some that you can't. The best part (for me) is reading authors new to the site. I've always loved writing - now I love reading and reviewing! Thanks Writing.Com!
I've been writing poetry for going on 13 years. Although I haven't many written, I still write. I found this site through a writer's magazine... Writer's Digest to be exact. I'm glad I found this site. I've been a member for 7 months now. I'm glad I've found fellow writers to share my passion with. Writing.Com is the best site about writing I've found so far.
Writing.Com made my writing. Before I came here, I wrote, but I didn't ever finish anything. Coming here and getting feedback encouraged and helped me to develop, and now I'm finishing short story after short story and loving every minute of it. I just started my first novel!!!
This site is so awesome! I have been searching for a place to post up my poems and lyrics for constructive critism. And not only do I get reviews on my works, but I also make friends! Everyone here is so nice. It's really great to have a place that's understanding and can appreciate the fine arts.
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