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Member Testimonials
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Showing 326 through 350 of 1,143 total testimonials

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      All I can say about about writing.com is that its the most homely and very warming place to be. Everyone is full of encouragement and applause for ever writer here.
I have been here no longer than 3 weeks and I would gladly recommend it to beginner writers like myself. I never thought I was any good until I started recieving positive ratings on my poems. Its just undescribable the response from other members. YOU ALL ROCK!!!
      I joined WDC last week and already feel at home. I was just lazying around, wasting my vacations but now i have something to look forward to everyday!! I am grateful to my friend for introducing me to this site but hate her for doing it so late(hehe).
I am simply addicted to WDC!!!The readers are so encouraging and so are the moderators.
I am so happy that WDC is a part of my life now.
-- erra Author IconMail Icon
      Ahh, Writing.Com. I remember when I first found this wonderful site last summer, when I was chatting with my very close friend online. She had already joined this site she called "WDC" and e-mailed me the link to it, as remembering how I loved to write. I did join immediately, seeing as how promising it was. And it is! I posted my first few items during my first week and in flew encouraging reviews that helped my change a few errors and a few flaws there to help me shapen up my skills. It was quite amazing, seeing how people gave me their honest opinions on whether they enjoyed a piece or not. It was brilliant. And to today, I'm still posting new poems, trying out new forms of literature, and improving every day. Most thanks to this fabulous site!
-- reilly Author IconMail Icon
      I've been on WDC for something around a month and a half. Every few days I'd catch a glimpse of the testimonials and kept telling myself to write one. Well, here I am, vouching for how amazingly --- amazing WDC is.

The people are addicting, the creativity is exciting, the entire atmosphere is comforting. I'm just as happy to give reviews as I am to recieve. I can't begin to explain how much I've grown in my short time here.
-- Cord Author IconMail Icon
      I am just 14. Earlier I used to write short stories with endins and when my friends used to read it, they always said:"This is the best, you must get it published." So I searched day and night for a publisher but no one seemed serious. Then I took a membership in Writing.com as I decided to start small. Only I realise how wrong I was....writing.com provided me with so much opportunities and contests that have helped me improve and thanks to it I realize that I am improving. Thank you WDC.
      Writing.com is undoubtedly the best site I have ever found on internet. I am not being hyperbolic when I state that this is the site because of which I have become a writer. I have got many inspirations from this site and my abilities for critical evaluation have also improved a great deal due to this website. I am thankful to all the authors that have played their part in its development and who have supported it through their wonderful literary works.
      I've been writing poetry, lyrics and short stories since the age of 12 or 13. A lot of my poetry came straight from my heart and usually had to do with the feelings that came along with liking a boy. Now that I am older, sure, I still write about feelings but, I've expanded my horizens! So, at the beginning of this year I decided to find a good website to start submitting my work to! I think the word I typed was literally "Writers" and, sure enough, there was writing.com, first one on the list!!! I did sign up in February this year. But, for some reason I left the site alone and kept telling myself 'I'll go back and check it out more later', and the more I put it of, the more weeks passed by until, I get this email from Writing.com stating that I hadn't signed in to my account for a certain amount of time and that I had a certain amount of time to sign in, or it would be cancelled! So, here I am, I signed in and haven't been able to unstick my finger prints from each and every little key on my keyboard!!! I seem to have made it through my 6 year long "Writer's Block", thanx to everyone here at this site and to the site itself (or whoever actually created/thought it up!) for the ease of access and ALL the NEAT things offered here and, also for how everyone plus this site together make people feel so special and talented (everything that each individual truly IS!) I LOVE this site!!!!
      I don't think there's another writing site like WDC. It's a neat place to show your own work as well as viewing work done by others. A place where opinions can be shared in a supportive, quick, and effective way. I'm just glad I found this site.
-- Eddo36 Author IconMail Icon
      I just want to personally thank Writing.Com because it gave me the chance to post my articles where fellow writers can read, reviews and make other suggestions to help me improve and grow as a writer.

I am also a member of another site but I did not have the same privilege that this community offers. I am not fortunate enough to upgrade my membership. I only had the chance to read and review the works of their members but never to post my own. Thank you also to the generous members who extend their constructive criticisms on my work as well as giving me gift points and bestowing upon me an upgraded status.
      Hey there, I'm Megaman765 (MM765 for short.) I have always had a lot of creativity and wanted to show off what I have. I am also a HUGE Nintendo fan. Then I found WDC, which allows me to combine both of these into 1 big project. And lo and behold, that's how I found this site.
      I found Writing.com in a search for writing sites. When I posted my first piece, I felt depressed at not getting any comments, so I stopped logging in. A few months later, I remembered this site and went back. I was surprised to find so many comments and reviews on my first story, and they were all so nice and generous that it almost made me cry! I feel so at home here. Thank you, Writing.com!
      Writing.com has given me the chance to grow as a writer. I spend hours at a time reading and reviewing others pieces, which only makes me more aware of different styles of writing and presenting images and words. I am also able to present my own ideas and know I have an audience to help critique my pieces and get them fine tuned to be the best I can make them at this time. Without writing.com I would not be as driven a writer as I currently am. Thank you WDC!
      Writing.com had been part of my life for years, since I started writing when I was only 12. The people here have helped me grow, they've helped me learn. Because of this site I know how to publish and how to share. Most of all, I've learned how to take criticism. Through this site I've grown, and I thank you all for it.
      WDC has been the greatest place for writing, family, acceptance, positivity, and all the toppings that could complete a wonderful environment as I have here. I have made many friends, been extremely encouraged, and also know that this site loves me being with them ,as I love them being with me! It's a huge diverse writing community devoted to spreading goodness! What more could a really great girl who writes for good and not bad, ask for? NOTHING! I love Writing.com!! Thank you everyone. God bless.
      I stumbled upon Writing.com one day while I was looking for writing help. Being the curious sort, I started to look through the site and was instantly drawn in by the community. I've now been a proud member for going on 9 months, and the help and support I've gained have been unbelievable! The friends I've found have been absolutely wonderful, and make each moment here the best part of the day. Thank you WDC, for making me a better writer!
      I found WDC in February '08. Gosh, how different I am now! Back then, I was just a 13-year-old girl who liked writing scraps and the occasional lyric but didn't know if she amounted to anything. And then I joined up--that made a HUGE difference! People reviewed my work, commented on my efforts, encouraged me to work on poetry and polished the gems till they shone. Those who helped me, I can't thank them enough. WDC is my second home now! Yay!
      As a lifelong writer, I was searching the Internet for a place where I could post my stories and receive valueable feedback to improve my technique. Until I found writing.com, I wasn't satisfied. After checking out numerous web-sites, I stumbled upon this one. Now my search is over and my writing has been received well and helped enormously in the month I have been here. Not only have I discovered a supportive environment, but also some exceptional writers as well. If writing is your passion, this is the place to practice your art and fulfill your dreams.
      When I found WDC, I was actually looking for a book publisher. I can easily say, that this is better than any book publisher that I could have found! On here I found friends, and a world of reviewers looking to read my work. Little did I know, this site has also prepared me for life. It has showed me how to step up and show my work around, make some noise, and help others. I don't know what I would have done with myself if I had not found WDC. Since, joining February 6th....ish... I have brought at least 6 other people to being regulars on WDC! This is a safe site, where I can feel safe and dwell in my writings rather than who is stalking or trying to sabatoge my writing, unlike any of the other sites.
      Today is my third year here. I’ve belonged to several other groups and this is by far the best priced, and run site I have ever come across. I have very few problems with the site or within the site. Not only can I count on many fast reviews, but lost of support and there are so many, many things to do here each and everyday. Those who run site are here all the time and the site is always improving. If a horribly dyslexic can make her dreams come to of having several things in print, than there is hope for your dreams too. Whoever you are is okay. You are welcomed. You are home at Writing.com.
      I sincerely feel that since I started reviewing, my grammar, vocabulary, and writing skill have improved quite a bit. It's only been about two months since I tried my pen at writing, and already I feel that I have achieved so much. I thank you and the WDC Angel Army--Adopt-A-Newbie, as well as this Newbie Writing Review forum for the inspiration, incentives and encouragement. I was a desperate young woman who just dropped out of college and felt utterly lost in the world; then I found WDC, and it became my life between job hunting. Life is getting better. I've also just been offered a job! Yey! Thank you WDC and the Angel Army.
      Writing.com has really helped me, and I just joined yesterday!! Already I feel safe with fellow members because in a way... it's like we all know what each other is going through by sumbiting our stories and poems.I also believe that Writing.com is a good way to help people come step-by-step closer to being a great author!!! God bless you Writing.com, and all the members who inhabit it!!
      I joined Writing.Com back in 2005, but I didn't really do anything with it. I posted a single play I had written, but just let it languish. Then in March 2008 I decided to revisit WDC and to make writing an important part of my life. My friends and family are always encouraging me to write and I usually start writing a good story, but then stop and never complete it. After deciding that writing is my true passion I knew I needed an avenue to help me focus my energies. I came back to WDC and started entering contests, especially flash fiction that forces me to write complete stories quickly. I started getting reviews and feedback from other members. I joined a group (shout out to The Talent Pond!) My husband saw how important WDC had become to me and purchased an upgraded membership as a surprise. Now rarely a day goes by that I don't write. I have received very valuable suggestions that have helped my writing immensely. I have also been able to help others with my reviews. My goal is to become a published, paid author and when I do, I will have WDC to thank. I love this site and the members on it!
      I found this site a year ago, but was afraid to post anything. Now that I have, I truly wish I had sooner. A week has gone by, and lo and behold people are reading my work! I have been interacting with several other writers and making more progress than ever, thank you to my sages. There are so many people here who are eager to help others, and I hope that I can do my part as well. And let's not forget all of the great reading material. Thank you Writing.com for giving us a place to call home!
      I have been an oddity with writing since I was about 15 years old. I am very spontaneous, most all of my pieces are instant feelings or thoughts I get, and average writing time is under 10 minutes each, with few changes on a read through! However, I am not bragging, just saying, I am happy to have found a place to put my work, and thus, myself out there for others to enjoy,hate,despise,empathize, or what whatever emotion they feel towards my writings! I have always thought I was a decent writer, but this site has hammered that home, with 5 star ratings for my uplifting and darker pieces! I hope to keep inspired by whatever, and adding new works here for others to enjoy, as well as find something in that they relate to! Thank for giving us a site where we can vent our lives and emotions to anyone who dares to read them!
      I used to visit all kinds of websites, but one night I decided I'd try entering writing.com in the address bar. I had no idea if the site existed, I just went to see if there was a place for writers. I saw it did indeed exist. It is also for readers. The best of both worlds. Now whenever I get online, I rarely want to even go to any other place that isn't writing.com. It's a very addicting place.
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